Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
PGVP CCE Curriculum takes reference from MOE’s CCE 2021 Curriculum Framework (Figure 1). The curriculum content of CCE is based on the three big ideas of Identity, Relationships and Choices, and focused on developing a sense of purpose in our students.
It involves the teaching and learning of core values, social-emotional competencies, and citizenship dispositions, with a focus on developing a sense of purpose in our students. These fundamentals are taught and applied in the following content areas: National Education, Sexuality Education, Mental Health, Education and Career Guidance, Cyber Wellness, and Family Education.
We adopt a whole school approach to broaden and deepen students’ experiences in character and citizenship education. There are several learning platforms where CCE is enacted with intentionality. These include CCE and FTGP lessons during curriculum time, key student development experiences beyond the classroom, school-based initiatives, teachable moments during subject lessons and learning opportunities beyond the school.
In line with the 6 MESCAP Student Outcomes, our CCE programmes are anchored towards nurturing our students holistically to become persons of character who are good and useful citizens of tomorrow. This is reinforced through the emphasis on the culture of care, strong teacher-student relationship and close parent-school engagement.
Key Programmes
Character Education |
Citizenship Education |
Curriculum |
Reward & Recognition |
National Education Commemorative Events
Social Studies |
LOVE@PGVP · R3ICH Badges |
Values In Action (VIA)
Cohort Learning Journey |
R3ICH Card |
Outdoor Experiential Learning |
Integration Programme |
Key Student Development Experiences
Student development experiences (SDEs) are programmes and activities that contribute towards the holistic development of our students in the physical, aesthetic, intellectual, moral and social domains.
The following are highlights of our students’ experiences:
LOVE (Living Our Values Everyday)@PGVP is a signature programme that aims to affirm our students for doing the right thing and to inspire others to continue to give of their best. The programme acknowledges students who exemplify the R³ICH values by awarding them value badges.
Students are encouraged to learn and demonstrate the school values via a set of observable behaviours for each value stated in the Values Booklet. Teachers will then nominate these students to receive a value badge.
Narratives of notable local and international “heroes or heroines” who had demonstrated these values, are taught as moral exemplars. The lessons are taught during CCE Lessons to provide concrete role models whom the students can learn from. By so doing, we hope that the students will live out the values every day.
To raise awareness on the featured school value, an interactive assembly programme was conducted. The programmes includes a skit presentation by our teachers and students. Students reflected on the message delivered at the Assembly talks by completing a self-reflection of their behaviour in the Values Booklet. This message will be further reinforced during Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP) and CCE lessons.
RI³CH (Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Care & Harmony) Card Programme
The RI³CH (Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Care & Harmony) Card Programme to all our students. The RI3CH Card Programme is a student reward card designed to encourage positive attitudes and behaviours among our students. This programme is part of the school’s effort to further strengthen the inculcation and demonstration of the right values under our Living Our Values Every day@PGVP (LOVE@Punggol View) signature programme. This RI3CH Card Programme is a platform to recognize and affirm students who consistently demonstrate positive behaviour, such as being kind to others, being respectful to their peers, teachers and others in the school, showing good leadership skills, and exhibiting characters. Eventually, we hope that the simple reward will instil a sense of pride in our students and motivate them to do the right thing all the time and become a lifelong habit.
Sexuality Education 2025
Sexuality Education (SEd) in schools is about enabling students to understand the physiological, social and emotional changes they experience as they mature, develop healthy and rewarding relationships, and make wise, informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters in their growing up years. Sexuality Education also aims to help students develop a moral compass, respect for themselves and others, premised on the family as the basic unit of society. This means encouraging healthy, heterosexual marriages and stable nuclear family units with extended family support. The teaching and learning of SEd is based on respect for the values and beliefs of the different ethnic and religious communities in Singapore on sexuality issues.
Please click on the link below to access info from MOE website
MOE SEd info for school website 2025
Please click the link below for the Opt-out form.
National Education (NE)
National Education is a significant aspect of CCE, comprises a wide range of school efforts that help students experience and explore their national identity as Singaporeans, understand the realities and challenges unique to our nation and foster a sense of hope and belonging to Singapore. A strong sense of belonging, reality and hope motivates our students to be active citizens. While they seek to achieve their personal life goals, they also see themselves as playing a contributory role in their families, school, and immediate communities. NE in CCE aims to be empowering and aspirational, allowing for individual sense-making so as to nurture engaged citizens, who are socially aware, adept at critical thinking, and informed about local, regional and global issues.
NE Commemorative Days
National Education (NE) Commemorative Days are linked to defining moments in Singapore’s history. The four NE Commemorative Days (Total Defence Day, International Friendship Day, Racial Harmony Day and National Day) anchor on the following key dispositions for citizenship in Singapore to shape the purpose of and approach of the programmes.
A Sense of Belonging: To develop a deeper understanding of who we are as Singaporeans, and a shared understanding of the values that are important to us as a nation.
A Sense of Hope: To have confidence and optimism in Singapore’s future and the resilience to face the challenges ahead.
A Sense of Reality: To be aware of contemporary realities – including Singapore’s constraints and vulnerabilities – which affect us as a nation amidst the backdrop of a less predictable world.
The Will to Act: To be active citizens who have a collective resolve and a sense of shared mission towards building a Singapore for all.
Cohort Learning Journeys
Cohort LJs have been developed to provide students with opportunities to explore their Singaporean identity through the arts, culture and heritage. These complement the Art, Character and Citizenship Education and Social Studies (SS) curricula.
Outdoor Experiential Learning
Field-based experiential learning allows the students to contextualise their learning experience in an authentic real-world setting, thus enabling the relational learning of concepts and content. Students would also be able to conduct hands-on exploration in a focused area of study, thus being engaged in multi-sensory modes. As part of engaging students’ interest in inquiry, field-based learning would also motivate and sustain their interest in the subject matter as they would learn to explore, construct new knowledge and make connections to the topic being studied.
Values-In-Action (VIA)
Values-in-Action are learning experiences that support our students’ development as socially responsible citizens who show care and contribute positively to the school, community and environment through the learning and application of values, knowledge and skills.
At Punggol View, VIA focuses on
a) Assisting the needy
b) Building bonds with the Community
c) Committing to sustain as a Green school