ALP (Applied Learning Programme)
Effective and Empathetic Communicator (E2C @ PGVP)
The school's ALP, E²C @ PGVP, focuses on communication, collaboration, and information skills and seeks to equip students with effective communicative skills grounded in values and empathy. In PGVP, we believe that Oracy skills are foundation to literacy. Classroom talk helps students to learn, reflect on what they are learning, and communicate their knowledge and understanding. Our students need authentic opportunities to learn how to listen and speak effectively in a variety of situations. By taking the time to teach specific oral strategies and dispositions in communication to our students, we will be working towards in helping them to be effective and empathetic in their communication. In PGVP ALP, we will also be teaching our students perspective taking skills and other important values to help them show empathy while communicating with others. By doing so, we aim to boost their confidence and performance, which in turn will help develop our students to become effective and empathetic communicators. PGVP ALP is critical to achieving the school's vision of confident learners and active citizens.
Programmes of E2C @ PGVP
There are different programmes designed for the different levels from Primary 1 to Primary 6. Students in Primary 1 and Primary 2 will learn communication skills in fun-filled lessons. These lessons will develop our students in different skills: being confident in their interaction with others, take on the perspectives of others while sharing and also the various dispositions when interacting with others. In Primary 3, our students will put what they have learnt earlier in a story telling competition. In Primary 4, Primary 5 and Primary 6, our students will learn basic journalism skills to help them become mini reporters, emcees or take part in other related competitions.
Our Star Studio @ PGVP is a media performance and recording facility that plays an important role in the school's efforts to develop effective and empathetic communicators. The studio is well equipped with broadcasting and journalism equipment to support and develop our students in their journey to become effective and empathetic communicators. Ever since the setup of the studio, our teachers and students have been using it to produce videos for various school programmes and our in house production.