Knowledge and skills must be underpinned by sound values to develop character. We believe that values define our students’ character. They shape the beliefs, attributes and actions of our students. The values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Care and Harmony are fundamental for a person of good character and a useful citizen of Singapore. They provide the guide for our students to be able to distinguish right from wrong, help them to make responsible choices, foster positive relationships with their peers and others, as well as become more aware of their roles in school, community and Singapore. These values are taught during our Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) Lessons and reinforced through our school-based programme such as LOVE (Living Out our Values Every day) @Punggol View.
I am respectful and considerate to others
I know my duty and carry it out with love and commitment
I never give up easily
I am honest and will stand up for what is right
I show care and concern for others
I work and interact well with others